Monday, March 7, 2011

KitchenAid Artisan Mixer: When an Inexpensive Stand Mixer Won't Do

A quality stand mixer is often a big purchase commonly selling for over two hundred dollars. It stands to reason that if you're willing to spend that kind of money you will want to buy a model that is going to last for quite a while. The KitchenAid Artisan mixer is one of the best-selling models around for a reason. The KitchenAid brand was started in 1919 and their 1st item was a mixer. Since then they continue to create wonderful mixers in addition to a large selection of kitchen appliances.
The original thing I noticed about the KitchenAid Artisan stand mixer was the designing. Functionality should be the number one objective of any household appliance it doesn't hurt to look nice either. The sleek metal finish is available in over 20 colors that range from basic black to a bright green apple color. The stand mixer weights 25 lbs. so it's not very easily moved around. Thankfully it looks very nice fixed on the counter.

So the KitchenAid Artisan mixer looks good but how does it perform? This stand mixer is good for just about any task aside from industrial size baking jobs. Houses and businesses both use the KitchenAid Artisan mixer. The 325-watt motor provides enough power to mix just about anything you'll use it for. The 5 quart bowl is big enough to make large batches.
The stand mixer is versatile featuring 10 various speeds. On the lower settings you can slowly combine components and add air to recipes like home-made cream. Higher settings will mix the thickest batters. Having 10 speeds is truly helpful since you can step by step step-up the speed without making big jumps.
The KitchenAid Artisan mixer is able to do much more than simply mix dough and batter. It comes with a wire beater for blending ingredients that need air like creams. There is a bread hook included as well which is perfect for yeast dough such as pizza and bread. There are many additional attachments that you can purchase to do a whole bunch of cooking jobs.
Clean up is a hassle with stand mixers. Adding components can cause splatter. No having enough speeds may also cause splattering if you go only a setting too high. This stand mixer takes care of this issue by using a pour shield that keeps spattering in check. The attachments, the shield, and the bowl are all removable and are safe for the dishwasher which speeds up the cleaning process. The base of the machine is very easy to wipe down when you are done.
If you're trying to find a reliable, quality stand mixer I would definitely give the KitchenAid Artisan KSM150 a chance. There are certainly less expensive alternatives available but the ones that I have tried just don't last over time. It will add up if you have to re-buy a stand mixer over and over again. Spending a bit more now will get you a stand mixer that'll last you for a long time.
Check out the entire scoop on the KitchenAid Artisan Mixer by seeing the full review. While you are there be sure you read our full line of product reviews.

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